
Læs om resultaterne af fondens investeringer samt de aktuelle investeringer.

Title Period Programme Sortér faldende
EUREKA Clusters, ITEA 4 Call 2022 - MAST 2025 - 2027 Internationale samarbejder Vis projekt, EUREKA Clusters, ITEA 4 Call 2022 - MAST
DUT Driving Urban Transition, Call 2 (Call 2023) - Urban ElemenTREE 2025 - 2027 Internationale samarbejder Vis projekt, DUT Driving Urban Transition, Call 2 (Call 2023) - Urban ElemenTREE
Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-based models of the BBB in health and disease 2025 - 2027 Erhvervsforsker Vis projekt, Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-based models of the BBB in health and disease
Observing ocean-river interaction with satellite altimetry: Towards more skillful predictions of compound floods in deltas and estuaries 2025 - 2027 Erhvervsforsker Vis projekt, Observing ocean-river interaction with satellite altimetry: Towards more skillful predictions of compound floods in deltas and estuaries
Future of Food Systems (FutureFoodS) – første eksterne call (2024) Internationale samarbejder 2075
U.S.-Dansk samarbejde om forskning og udvikling til fortøjning og forankring af flydende havvindenergianlæg
Calls for EU Kvantepilotlinjer - Chips JU (FPA) Internationale samarbejder 2075