The General call conditions
General call conditions: here:
National Danish call conditions
The application will be evaluated by the national funding agencies of the partners participting in the project. IFD will prioritize funding to projects which:
- demonstrate a clear benefit of the international cooperation to the Danish partners
- having af significant impact on knowledge based growth and employment in Denmark
- impact on green transition and health as outlined by the Danish Parliament.
In addition the project must live up to the following conditions:
- The call focus on applied research and innovation. The Danish part of the application must include at least one Danish enterprise with employees and economic activities in Denmark. In addition Danish universities, GTS-institutes, hospitals or other public entries are also invited to participate in the application.
- Any subcontracting must be clearly described in the application and budget overview. IFD does not fund subcontracting outside of Denmark.
Requirements for Danish Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs)
- Danish participants in the application must be registered as legal entities with economic and actually activities taking place in Denmark. The activities funded by IFD must be conducted in Denmark.
- Danish SMEs must have a turnover of at least 2 million Danish krone OR have obtained at least 500,000 Danish krone in equity or attracted the same amount in investments in the past financial year.
- Danish startups (companies existing for less than three years) must state their ability to fund their part of the project costs (not including funding received from other public-funded projects). Companies, which have existed for more than one year will be requested to present an audited annual account from the last full year.
Danish SMEs can only participate in one project per call. - A SME must be an SME according to the EU definition and it must not be “an undertaking in difficulty” according to EU’ state aid rules
Limitation to Topics IFD can fund:
- The call is generally open to AI solutions with all sectors. IFD is, however, due to budget restrictions, limiting its funding to projects supporting Green transition and the Public Health sector and Biotech solutions. This could include AI for agriculture, AI for improved biodiversity, AI for a Circular Economy, AI for Cybersecurity, AI for eHealth etc.
- Please refer to IFD’s paper on topics which can be funded on IFDs homepage here:
IFD co-finance salary, materials, travels, dissemination and to a limited extend subcontracting.
Brooking and webinars will be arranged for applications. The timeline for the events will be posted Here
You can find the official application form here:
All general call information and the application form can be found on the official EUREKA Cluster call homepage here:
An unline brokerage event and a webinar on the call conditions are beeing planned. The exact dates and links will be posted on the official call homepage here:
Each Danish participant in the application must individually register on the national e-grant portal no later than 14 days after deadline the formal application. The international application including annexes must be uploaded together with the registration.
Børge Lindberg (AI in General)
Tlf.: 6190 5012
Steen Bennike Mortensen (AI in Healths)
Tlf.: +45 6190 5026
Jens Peter Vittrup
Tlf.: +45 6190 5023