Call details
The application must be uploaded at Nordic Energy Research portal at “Nordic energy valleys as hydrogen hubs – by 2030-2040”.
After the call deadline each Danish participant will receive an invitation to upload the full international application on IFD’s national e-grant platform.
NB: If the international application is not uploaded on e-grant, IFD cannot not conduct the national eligibility check of the application, which will result in an administrative ineligibility declaration.
- Read the full call text here
- Download Nordic Energy Research’s standard contract here
- Link to Nordic Energy Research homepage here
Grants from IFD are administrated in accordance with EU Commission Block Exemption regulation for state aid (GBER).
For more information about the Danish funding rules, funding rates and eligibility criteria please see IFD’s Guidelines: General Terms and Conditions for International Projects
A webinar on the call technicalities will be held in September/October.
Links to roadmaps for Innomssion 2 on green fuels for transport and industry: roadmap1 and roadmap2.
At 13:00 CET, at the Nordic Energy Research homepage ”Nordic energy valleys as hydrogen hubs – by 2030 and 2040”.
Contact information
Martin Søndergaard, tlf.: 6190 5065, e-mail:
Jens Peter Vittrup, tlf.: 6190 5023, e-mail: