Get started with your Innofounder application

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August 8
10.00 - 12.00
Symbion, Fruebjergvej 3, 2100 Copenhagen Ø

Learn more about how to write a good application for Innofounder. If you get through the eye of the needle, it can mean a year of funding so that you can work full-time on developing your idea and your business, as well as targeted learning to mature both the idea and you as an entrepreneur. You can read much more about this via the link on the right of this page.

On the day you will, among other things, meet Innovation Officer Marie Friis Madsen from Innovation Fund Denmark, who teaches the "do's and don'ts" when writing an Innofounder application. You will also have the opportunity to have questions about the process clarified - either together with the other entrepreneurs in plenary, or in a short 1:1 dialogue after the presentation.

Erhvervshuset offers free and impartial sparring to apply for an Innofounder, and has extensive experience in guiding applicants through the application process. You can arrange sparring with a business developer - also about developing your company and idea.

The event is relevant both for those who are about to write an application and for those who have started or have tried before. It is recommended that before the event you have familiarized yourself with Innofounder's access requirements and guidelines and have clarified whether you are within the target group. If you are in doubt, you can contact Erhvervshuset and get help assessing it.