Innovation Fund Denmark’s Awards 2020
Innovation Fund Denmark annually awards prizes to Denmark’s most innovative people, who through innovation and research have created solutions to society’s problems and growth for the country. The winners are announced and given the awards at Innovation Fund Denmark’s annual award ceremony.
Innovation Fund Denmark’s aim is to support growth and value creation in Denmark based on strategic research and knowledge based entrepreneurship.
With these annual awards we want to celebrate the most inspiring researchers, entrepreneurs and project participants whose scientific breakthroughs and use of knowledge has solved our society’s challenges and/or created considerable growth in Denmark.
The awards highlight the people behind value creating innovation who can serve as inspiration for future generations.
Do you know of one or more candidates who personfiy the above characteristics? Please nominate them for an award.
Award Ceremony
The winners will be announced and prizes awarded at Innovation Fund Denmarks annual award ceremony.
Date for Award Ceremony: 7. February 2020
Nomination for award
Candidates and projects can be nominated by anyone, including companies, individuals, universities, people from within the start-up ecosystem, research institutions as well as trade organisations or public institutions. Canidates and projects cannot nominate themselves.
There is no limitation on the number of nominations from an institution/organisation
Nominations must be delivered via Innovation Fund Denmark’s grant portal - e-grant.
Deadline for nominations: 5. November 2019, 12.00
We need nominations of candidates within the following four categories:
Innovator Award
The award celebrates the excellent researcher inventor or team that through knowledge and break through research has created innovative products, processes, services or market break through and has resulted in concrete, documented value for one or more Danish based companies. The winner of the Innovator Award is expected to be an inspiring role model for value creating research – typically in the private sector and thereby stimulating further growth and employment in Denmark
Award: The winners receive up to 300.000 DKK.
Nominate a candidate for the Innovator Award
Grand Solutions Award
The award celebrates a current or finalised successful Grand Solutions Project The projects and the winners must have demonstrated an extraordinary value creation and shown themselves as inspiring role models for future research and innovation projects.
Award: The winners each receive a personal prize of 200.000 DKK. In addition 1 mio. DKK. is awarded for research activity.
Nominate a candidate for the Grand Solutions Award
Industrial Researcher Award
The award celebrates chosen Industrial Researchers, PhD’s or Postdocs connected to the Innovation Fund Denmark’s talent program The candidates must have combined a high level of research with a strong business understanding and have generated growth for companies in Denmark.
Award: The winners each receive a personal prize of 50.000 DKK.
Nominate a candidate for the Industrial Researcher Award
Entrepreneur Award – Knowledge based entrepreneur of the year (new in 2020)
The award celebrates an entrepreneur team that have received an investment from Innovation Fund Denmark and that have with an innovative product, service or new process created a successful business, that can document business value in the form of growth and employment and/or helped solve a societal challenge.
Award: Is given to one chosed company and can be awarded to a team of up to three people in the company, who each receive a personal prize of 100.000 DKK
Nominate a candidate for the Entrepreneur Award
Specific aim for awards, evaluation criteria and processes for the individual calls (see below).
Hvert år hylder Innovationsfonden landets mest innovative ildsjæle og banebrydende forskere, som har omsat viden til markant værdi for Danmark.
Innovationsfondens kerneformål er at understøtte vækst og værdiskabelse i hele landet gennem banebrydende forskning og videnbaseret iværksætteri. Derfor uddeler Innovatiosfonden hvert år en række forsknings- og innovatørpriser, som har til formål at hylde og hædre ekstraordinære forskere og innovatører, som har løst centrale samfundsudfordringer eller på anden vis skabt konkret værdi for Danmark. Priserne synliggør således personerne bag de videnskabelige nybrud som rollemodeller for fremtidige generationer.
Innovationsfonden uddeler i alt tre forskellige priser:
Innovatør Prisen
Prisen hædrer den excellente forsker, opfinder eller team, som gennem ny viden og banebrydende forskning har skabt innovative produkter, processer, services eller markedsgennembrud, som har resulteret i stor konkret og dokumenteret værdi for en eller flere danskbaserede virksomheder. Vinderen af Innovatør Prisen forventes at være en inspirerende rollemodel for den meget værdiskabende forskning i typisk private virksomheder og derved kunne stimulere til yderligere vækst og beskæftigelse i Danmark.
Prisen: Vinderne modtager i alt op til 300.000 kr.
Grand Solutions Prisen
Prisen hædrer et igangværende eller færdiggjort succesfuldt Grand Solutions-projekt. Projekterne og vinderne skal have udmærket sig med en ekstraordinær værdiskabelse og dermed fungere som inspiration for fremtidige forsknings- og innovationsprojekter.
Prisen: Vinderne modtager hver en personlig hæderspris på 200.000 kr. Derudover tildeles samlet 1 mio. kr. til forskningsaktiviteter.
Erhvervsforsker Priserne
Prisen hædrer udvalgte Ervhvervs-PhD’ere eller Postdocs tilknyttet Innovationsfondens talentprogram. Kandidaterne skal have formået at kombinere høj forskningsfaglig indsigt med forretningsforståelse til at skabe mærkbar værdi for virksomheder i Danmark.
Prisen: Vinderne modtager hver en personlig hæderspris på 50.000 kr.
Lars Winther, Scientific Officer, Innovation Fund Denmark
Tlf.: 6190 5036, mail:
Jens Bomholt, Head of press and media, Innovation Fund Denmark
Tlf.: 6190 5045, mail: