Who can apply for additional funding for Innobooster projects?
You may apply if you have received an Innobooster grant with an agreed project end date after 1 January 2020. This opportunity exists even if you have already completed the active part of the project in 2020. If you have submitted an application to Innobooster prior to 1 April 2020 – irrespective of whether you have received a grant or have not yet received a grant – you can also apply for this additional funding at a later date. However, it is a prerequisite that your original application is approved.
I submitted an Innobooster application after 1 April. Why am I not permitted to apply for additional funding?
The initiative targets the companies that have not had the opportunity to address the COVID-19 crisis in their original Innobooster application. For companies which have submitted an application after 1 April it has been possible to take the crisis into account. However, we understand that there may be shifts in the project such as the project period. This can be handled with a change request via E-grant.
Which activities can I apply for?
The additional funding is for NEW activities that may support the original project. The guidelines of the Innobooster programme have been updated to include new activities that could not previously be supported by Innobooster – for example increased focus on market interaction market, future customers, etc. Please check the specific description of this option as well as the updated Innobooster guidelines. The additional project may last for a maximum of 12 months.
How much additional funding can I apply for?
The additional funding may not exceed 20% of the original Innobooster grant. The rules on self-financing shall still be respected, meaning that you will receive approx. DKK 200,000 if the budget is increased by approx. DKK 600,000.
What are the criteria for approving the additional funding?
That it is has been rendered sufficiently probable that there is a need that can be justified by the situation around COVID-19.
That the results of the previous Innobooster course are satisfactory.
That development activities have been described that can form the basis for an extension of the Innobooster course.
How do I apply?
Please refer to the descriptions and general guidelines for the Innobooster scheme.
Go to www.e-grant.dk via your originally allocated grant/grant number.
Go to change request ‘Additional application COVID-19’.
Fill out the form, a short application as well as an adjusted budget form – see the guideline via the change request.
Submit the change request, and we will process your application quickly.
If you are eligible to apply, but your original Innobooster grant has been completed (your final report has been approved, etc.), please send an email to innobooster@innofond.dk with your case number. Then we will reopen your grant so you can apply for additional funding.
When can I apply?
Innovation Fund Denmark opens for applications for additional funding for active Innobooster projects on Thursday, 7 May.
All grant holders who have the opportunity to apply for an additional grant will be/have been notified directly by Innovation Fund Denmark via E-grant during week 19.