Closed for applications

EUREKA network call for proposals on solutions for COVID-19 Echo Period – Life without a vaccine

International EUREKA Network Call for Proposals on Solutions for COVID-19 Echo Period – Life without a vaccine.


Universities, research organisations, hospitals, organisations and large enterprises as well as SME’s.


Research and innovation project proposals aiming to provide results to COVID-19 specific need within 6 months or shorter after the projects completion.

How much?

50.000 to 300.000 euro per project.

Participating countries: Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Turkey

Projects between Denmark and Germany can be arranged as EUREKA projects via the EUREKA form and the German ZIM programme for SMEs and research institutions

Participants are invited to submit research and innovation project proposals aiming to provide results to COVID-19 specific need within 6 months or shorter after the projects completion.

These results may include (but are not limited to):

  • Infection prevention and protection
  • Sanitation technology
  • Diagnostics and testing
  • Therapeutics, vaccines and medicines
  • Disease-tracking technology, analytical solutions for health systems
  • Smart technology for COVID-19 patients
  • Smart technologies and support systems for critical production and supply chains under lockdown
  • Safe mobility: migration data and trends, regional risk monitoring, protection of isolated and risk groups, safe use of public transports
  • Education technologies and digital workplace.

Applications will be evaluated on a continuous basis but must be handed in no later than the 15. May. Funding decisions will be taken until 30. June 2020 or until the national budget for the call I allocated to approved proposals, whichever comes first.

The funding decision for the participating countries will be taken by June 2020. The project duration can be from 6 to 12 months. Projects are expected to start no later than August 3. 2020.

The EUREKA project application form is available in the call webpage through

The project consortium is strongly advised to contact the national project coordinators and to read the call text and the application form carefully, follow the guidelines and complete all necessary elements in the form as requested. Most countries requires a national application in addition to the EUREKA form. However, IFD only requires a registration of the EUREKA application form on our national e-grant platform, CVs of key personal and a budget form including the costs of all partners.

NB: The German ZIM programme will need 2-3 months for their evaluation. Project start can accordingly be postponed. Read more about the ZIM application procedures here:

For more information please contact:

National Program Coordinator for EUREKA:

Jens Peter Vittrup
Tel: +45 6190 5023

Danish call conditions
Specific National funding rules for the call:
Open section, Specific National funding rules for the call:

IFD funds projects with at least one Danish industrial partner. IFD can, however, fund all types of partners, and encourage universities, research organisations, hospitals, organisations and large enterprises as well as SME’s to participate in the call.

IFD can fund from €50.000 to €300.000 to Danish partners in a project. If the Danish part of the project is identical to an already national funded Grand Solution Covid-19 project, an additional “bridge funding” in this EUREKA call of up to €50.000 can be accepted.

In international projects IFD only fund Danish organisations participating as partners or coordinators in the projects if their project activities take place in Denmark. Subcontracting to Danish or foreign organisations can to a limited extend take place if declared in the application or later approved by IFD.

Eligible costs and funding rates

Eligible costs and funding rates

Additional documents required
Each Danish applicant must register in the national e-grant system no later than two weeks after the EUREKA application has been handed in.

IFD requires CV’s on all key persons from the participating organisations and a budget template on total costs and requested funding divide by type of costs.

Contact persons from other funding agencies
Contact persons from other funding agencies
Open section, Contact persons from other funding agencies

Austria, FFG
Ms. Marie Katharine Traunfellner
Phone: +43 5 7755 4705

Canada, NRC-IRAP
Mr. Eric Holdrinet 
Phone: +1 514 882 9384

France, Bpifrance
Ms. Mael Mbaye
Phone: +33 (0)15 389 7874

Netherlands, RVO
Mr. Niels van Leeuwen
Phone: +31 88 602 52 90

Spain, CDTI
Mr. Oscar Fernández Moyano
Phone: +34 91 581 5607

Turkey, Tübitak
Mr. Umut Ege
Phone: +90 312 2981861

Germany, ZIM
Mr. Georg Nagel
Phone: +49 30 48163-526