The Panel Committee for Innobooster

The Innobooster Panel Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors of Innovation Fund Denmark with the purpose of assisting with professional assessments in connection with the Fund's investments in research, technology and innovation within the Innobooster program.


The criteria for being appointed to the committee are that the member possesses significant and up-to-date knowledge and experience in his or her field of expertise, has at least ten years of professional experience (including at least five years in the private sector), including experience with e.g. management, entrepreneurship, business development, development projects and collaboration between the research community and private companies, and has a professional fluency in both English and Danish. The overall committee is also set up with a focus on ensuring diversity in both societal and professional terms.

Natasha Friis Saxberg (Chairperson)
CEO, IT Branch

Christian M. Dahl (Second Chairperson)
Professor of Economics, SDU / Co-founder & COO, Rooftop Analytics

Thea Larsen (Second Chairperson)
CEO, Danish Gas Technical Center

Allan Povlsen
Founder & owner, Lengatia

Anne-Lise Høg Lejre
Executive Vice President, Institute of Technology

Anne Færch Jørgensen
Manager & Cofounder, Færch & Døtre

Birthe Boysen
Business Analysis & Masterdata Management Director, Wrist Ship Supply A/S

Brian Gottorp Jeppesen
CEO, Mjølner Informatics

Charlotte Michelsen
Co-founder and Consultant, True Nordic Impact

Finn Jäger-Rasmussen
Independent Consultant, RDTechConsulting

Henrik Rindel Gudbergsen
Associate Professor, Center for General Practice, Dept. of Public Health, University of Copenhagen

Inger Mollerup
Independent Consultant, Inger Mollerup Regulatory Consulting

Inge Tarnow
Senior Director, Pharmacosmos A/S

Ingrid Sophie Harbo
Vice President, Biometrics, H. Lundbeck A/S

Karsten Lindhardt
CEO & Founder, Biograil

Kasper Roed Jensen
Vice President, Vestas Wind Systems

Christina Jensen

Mads Rydahl
Strategy Evangelist, Cactus Communications

Marlene Haugaard
Professional board chair and board member

Pernille Wendel Mehl
CEO, Copenhagen Zoo

Rasmus Engholm
Lead Data Scientist, Grundfos

Rikke Dalsgaard
Partner & Co-owner, Dalsgaard & Co.

Stine Egsgaard
Partner, BoardPartner

Stine Mølgaard Sørensen
Co-Founder & Board Member, Radiobotics

Thomas Risgaard Hansen
Managing Director at Digital Research Center Denmark, DIREC

Torben Christensen
Board member, Northern Greens, Living Better, Coreline, Life Science Robotics

Ulla Meinby Sparre
CEO, Water Valley Denmark

Ulrik Ditlev Seemann Eriksen
CEO, Longevity Institute ApS